Deficiência visual será tema de seminário no CCSE

Submitted by admin on Mon, 04/05/2015 - 15:21


Visual impairment - implications, challenges and prospects facing the social diversity is the theme of Inclusive Education Seminar (Sedinc) to take place on 8 and 9 April in the auditorium of the Center for Social Sciences and Education (CCSE) of the State University of Pará (Uepa).

According to Professor of Educational Special Unit (UEES) Jose Alvares de Azevedo and organizer of the event, Ivana Miranda, the goal of the seminar is "disseminate information on educational and clinical areas and learning projects for the visually impaired" to "spread knowledge on that portion of people who have visual impairments. "

Round tables will be held, lectures and experience reports with educators, psychologists and medical experts in ophthalmology, orthopedics and neurology to discuss the challenges, social and curricular aspects and forms of inclusion of people with visual impairments. The complete program will be announced soon.

The Sedinc is part of the actions of Students design with low vision: a challenging look towards inclusion, developed by teachers Ivana Miranda and Linda Range within the (UEES) Jose Alvares de Azevedo, with support from the Department of Special Education (EB) of CSSE of Uepa. The UEES is maintained by the Government of Pará and provides assistance for people with visual impairments.

Ivana Miranda worked in the period from 2011 to 2013 as a teacher specialist Occupational Therapy course at the Center for Biological and Health Sciences (CCBS) of Uepa, advising a student with disabilities visual.adas.